Latest Past Events

Altacs in Academe Holiday Gathering

Carolina Club (Dowd-Harris Room) Stadium Drive at Ridge Road, Chapel Hill

Come out and share some treats, cider and conversation with other altacs, graduate students, faculty and staff who are interested in the changing demographics and structures of graduate training and professional and scholarly work in higher education. It's the Altacs in Academe holiday social! Drop in, stay awhile.  Everyone welcome!

Other Pathways: Networking with Alternative Academics

Graduate Student Center 211A West Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill

Are you a graduate student who is interested in a diversity of career options? Alt-ac refers to alternative academic careers, positions within or around the academy but outside the ranks of the tenure-track teaching faculty that are filled by Ph.D.-trained professionals. At this event, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about these careers to … Continue reading Other Pathways: Networking with Alternative Academics


Graduate Alt-Ac Working Group: First Meeting

Graduate Student Center 211A West Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill

This is a planning event for the UNC Alt-Ac Graduate Student Working Group. If you’re a graduate student interested in Alternative Academia, that is, careers that are off the tenure-track but that still fall within the higher education context, come be part of planning what alt-ac events should be held this year. Do you want … Continue reading Graduate Alt-Ac Working Group: First Meeting
